The project will establish a Practitioner’s Advisory Council (PAC) that will function as a sounding board for the research team throughout the project.
The PAC will be invited to comment on research strategy documents, research outputs and join project meetings, to provide feedback on the research and to have an exchange between the researchers in the project and the practitioners. The final composition of the PAC will be established during the first three months into the project, but we aim for a group of five to seven people representing government, the private sector, and civil society.
Members of the Practitioner’s Advisory Council
- Lars Ronnås (Swedish Ambassador for Climate Change, Ministry of the Environment)
- Marie Karlberg (Policy Adviser, Swedish Energy Agency)
- Daniel Engstrom (Senior Advisor, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency)
- Ulf Jarnefjord (Representative, Swedish Labor and Transport Union)
- Åsa Romson (Senior Expert, Swedish Environmental Research Institute IVL)
- Svante Axelsson (National Coordinator, Fossil Free Sweden Initiative)
- Johanna Sandahl (Chair, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation) and David Kihlberg (Head of Climate Unit, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation)
- Maria Sunér Fleming (Head of Energy, Infrastructure and Environment, Confederation of Swedish Enterprises)